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Christopher Kollars Page


Welcome to the wonderful world of music!
You will be able to find info. on portative pipe organs, large organs, an organ for sale, and maybe some pics on harpsichords and pianos

An organ kit
from lark in the morning. 25 notes chromatic scale.

Prices of my organ for sale:
4' Melodia-250-SOLD-
4' Gedackt-250
4' Salicional-350SOLD
8' Dulciana-200-SOLD-
4' Flute Harmonic-250
8' Diapason-200
16' Bourdon-SOLD-
Console-make an offer

10 amp. power supply-25-SOLD-
5" w/p Spencer Blower-250-SOLD-
10 note offset chest-25(reduced again)
Numbers are in U.S Dollars

My Portative
An 8 note portative that I bought off of ebay. Diatonic scale (C-c).Open Wood pipes